- 能達成高速通訊的技術之一,用以提供高速存取網際網路服務
- for faster long-distance commu #Overview⭐
- uses frequency above the audible range to transfer digital data while leaving the lower frequency spectrun for voice communication #overview ⭐
- 一組技術的集合:ADSL ; VDSL ; HDSL ; SDSY
- 可稱為 xDSL
- Asymmetric DSL 提供下載方向較高的資料傳輸速率 ⭐ ****
- 採用「無遮蔽」雙絞線傳送,易受到干擾,進而限制傳輸率的上限,改善方法為電纜網絡
- Two derivatives of PPP, Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet(PPPoE) and Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA),
- are used most commonly by ISPs to establish a DSL