ML/DL Type Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Semi-Supervised Learning Reinforcement Learning Federated Learning Deep Learning
Data Requirements Requireslabeled data for all samples Does not requirelabeled data Uses a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data Learns from interactions with an environment, using rewards and penalties Uses decentralized data across multiple devices or servers Requires large amounts of data, labeled or unlabeled depending on the task
Main Functions Regression, Classification Clustering, Dimensionality Reduction, Association Improved classification and regression using both labeled and unlabeled data Decision-making, Policy Learning Collaborative learning while preserving data privacy Feature extraction, Pattern recognition, Complex decision making
Algorithms KNN, Decision Trees, Random Forests, SVM, Linear/Logistic Regression K-Means, PCA, Apriori, DBSCAN Self-training, Co-training, Graph-based methods Q-Learning, SARSA, Policy Gradient Methods FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA CNN, RNN, LSTM, Transformers
Applications Image classification, Spam detection, Price prediction Customer segmentation, Anomaly detection, Topic modeling Text classification with limited labeled data, Image recognition Game AI, Robotics, Autonomous vehicles Mobile keyboard prediction, Healthcare data analysis Natural language processing, Computer vision, Speech recognition
Activation Functions Varies by algorithm Varies by algorithm Varies by algorithm Varies by algorithm Varies by algorithm Sigmoid, ReLU, Tanh, Softmax

Three Steps of Machine Learning:

Supervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning

Semi-Supervised Learning

Reinforcement Learning #

Federated Learning

Transfer Learning

Self-Supervised Learning #Lee Hung-yi

機器學習/深度學習 監督式學習 非監督式學習 半監督式學習 增強式學習 聯邦式學習 深度學習
資料需求 需要 標籤(label)所有資料 不需要 標籤(label)所有資料 告訴機器少部分正確的資料 不需給機器任何的資料,讓機器從一個正向反饋 (Positive Reward)和負向反饋 (Negative Reward)中學習
功能 回歸 Regression
分類 Classification 群集 Clustering
降維 Dimension reduction
關聯 Association
Q-Learning ;
演算法 KNN / Decision Tree / Random Forsest / SVM K-Means
函式 Sigmoid
